About Us

CrosseFire is a Lacrosse interest group based in Singapore. Started in 4th February 2016, former lacrosse players formed our first committee from Anderson Junior College.


Our Vision:

To establish a nationwide community of lacrosse players who play in the spirit of the game.


Our Mission:

To practice and preach the spirit of the game as we promote lacrosse in Singapore.


Our Values/Spirit of the game:






Our Objectives:

  • Increase of expertise
  • Widen Our Reach
  • Team Chemistry & Bonding
  • Accountability
  • Motivating Players


Our 3 pillars:

  • Outreach
  • Bonding & Engagement
  • Training & Competition


Our Committee:

Main Committee:

Left to Right: Jessie Chan (Outreach & Communication Director), Bak Zhi Qing (President), Marcus Koh ( Vice President)

From left to right: Jessie Chan (Outreach and Communications Director), Bak Zhi Qing (President), Marcus Koh (Vice President)


Our sub-committee members:

Outreach Team: Jessie Chan (Lead), Grace Ho, Hong Ling Yi, Joshua Eng, Lee Cheng An

Training Team: Marcus Koh (Lead), Hong Ling Yi, Tang Jin Cheng, Xandrea

Bonding Team: Bak Zhi Qing (Lead), Christine Wong, Lee Cheng An, Lewis Ten, Melodie Thio

Advisor: Reon Tay